Record High Rent, Plus Fees. - WSJ 👀

Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal released an article entitled > What’s Worse Than Record High Rent? Record High Rent, Plus Fees

"Landlords are hitting tenants with an abundance of fees every month. Many are no more than five or 10 bucks each, but when stacked up they can amount to hundreds of dollars more each year. Some fees, such as those for parking and pets, have been around for years, but many renters now pay up for things they were rarely charged for in the past."

"The five largest single-family-home rental landlords increased their annual fee income per lease by about 40% between 2018 and 2021, according to a report last year from the House of Representatives’ Committee on Financial Services, which obtained fee data from the companies."

"In July, the White House said it won commitments from a handful of the country’s largest listing platforms, including Zillow and, to require landlords to disclose all fees and their costs alongside listings. In June, the state of Colorado capped pet deposits at $300, and Maine limited how much landlords can charge for application fees."



P.S. - This commentary from David Sacks on tech-enabled service businesses and how they're different from pure play SaaS was clear and compelling and a great follow up to last weeks newsletter on the impact of VC in our space.

P.S.S. - Three property managers demo their #1 Automation & Workflow Hack

P.S.S.S. - RentScale is producing the All Bound Conference this December. If you're looking for hard core sales training look no further 🧠

P.S.S.S.S - Security deposit tea leaves:


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Jordan Muela

SaaS 🏴‍☠️ | Property Management Fanatic 💙 | I write a bi-weekly newsletter to 4k PMs talking people, process and profit.

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