Why Ben Sold to Rhome

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Ben is a legend in this business.

His operational chops are unparalleled.

He figured out ops, growth and profitability.

And now he is entering the next chapter of his career.

Ten years to the day after starting his property management business, he has exited the game through an acquisition to Rhome, the single family arm of Associa.

I’ve been through a lot with Ben and this conversation was bittersweet for me.

Ben was one of the first customers at LeadSimple.

He was the first check in when we took on funding.

In fact I’ve worked with him in every venture I’ve started from Manage My Property to RentScale to ProfitCoach - Ben was always there at the front of the class, taking notes and leveling up.

And that’s really how I think of Ben - a master learner. Nobody out-thinks this guy.

When he asked me about running radio campaigns, I told him I knew one other guy that had done it and that while I didn’t know the landscape well, I could make some introductions. Next thing I know, he’s pounding the phone figuring it out and is on the airwaves a couple months later.

That’s how Ben showed up for the hundred other obstacles that came up on his path to scaling a profitable shop.

When I first talked to Ben about the thought of him exiting - it was a short conversation.

The terms just weren’t that appealing given the strength of baseline.

And a big part of those terms was what would happen to his staff.

The people he had built this thing with. People that had become close friends.

The idea of taking the loot and telling people good luck… that was never an option on the table.

So Ben kept going, doing his thing, putting in the work. Building a truly great organization.

The thing is - there is always a market for greatness.

Great founders, great teams, great portfolios get to call their own shots.

And that is exactly what happened.

Listen to the pod for the full breakdown but the bottom line is that Ben achieved what few operators ever do - a successful exit that leaves your team and legacy intact.

Ben found a way.

And I couldn’t be more proud of this guy.

Honestly, I’m grateful that I got to be a part of his journey.

A witness to his pursuit of the brass ring.

"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox


P.S. - You going to be in ATL for NARPM National? See my attendee event guide 🎥

P.S.S. - The marque event at National is actually a competitive grill off between vendors. Thrill of The Grill rules and hype here > secure your tickets here.

P.S.S.S. - Spirit Halloween makes $650 Million in 2 months of the year 🤯

P.S.S.S.S. - Client Abigail Libson just updated her website and I think it's dope.

P.S.S.S.S - Industry news and updates:

  • After 11 years, SecondNature co-founder Kevin Barry has moved on to new ventures. Hell of a run Kevin, mad respect 👏
  • Doorvest, which raised $39M to "help consumers buy and manage rental properties" is down 33% in headcount after a recent reduction in workforce.
  • PMI is looking for a new Vice President, Residential & Commercial as Randall Henderson transitions out to new ventures (big shoes to fill). If you know anyone with deep operational chops - this could be a fantastic opp.
  • Peter Lohman is hiring a personal assistant. Is this really news? No, I just think it's interesting he is livestreaming the process and worth a follow.


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Jordan Muela

SaaS 🏴‍☠️ | Property Management Fanatic 💙 | I write a bi-weekly newsletter to 4k PMs talking people, process and profit.

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